Where i like to die

sara sage

outside the graveyard, sprawled

in the pollen and hay, ripping grass

strands from their home, tracing

the sunset falling, pink and loud

in the shared shower, water overspilling

the drain and sprinkling the yellow tile,

grimacing at the mirror, my old

puffy-eyed friend

halfway through my six-hour drive,

fifty miles into route 81 when I

consider flipping my car into a

tractor trailer for fun

with the girl I pined after

finally in-between my thighs

and I hate it, repulsed by her

face so desperate for validation

post dive bar on the porch

falling apart, my ex’s best friend’s

thigh taut against mine wishing

men would screw off forever

my bare feet in the parking lot

feeling them melt snow beneath

and tracing prayers into it, wide

sweeping motions with my whole body

Sara Sage is a ten-time published author and composer of her own book, With Space and Time: Tales of a Dead-End Girl. She believes in pushing the limits of the English Language, the power of our truths, and communal healing via storytelling.